GTM code:

Morrisons optimise to Attention Time for Always On Campaign

The Brief

One of the very first clients for AIP's standalone attention services, Morrisons have been measuring and optimising their digital display activity to attention via their chosen DSP, Xandr. Maximising attention is one of the supermarket giant's ongoing KPIs for their National Trade 'Always On' activity.

Attention measurement and optimisation applied across Morrisons' digital display activity (non-High Impact units, not run via PXYZ, e.g. standard display)
The Solution

Measuring attention across every impression, AIP scores and ranks each URL and article the ads appear on. The top-performing segments are then pushed to their Xandr seat to allow for real time optimisation.

The Results

Throughout this particular activity run, optimising towards the high-indexed segments led to an average lift of almost 70% in Attention Time between July and October, with peaks of 91% in August.

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