
Publicis partners with Playground xyz to activate attention data across the Groupe

Playground xyz
October 12, 2021

Publicis Groupe Australia announces partnership with marketing technology company Playground xyz to begin measurement of Attention Time. Will allow advertisers to target the most attentive audiences in real-time.

Publicis Groupe Australia today announced a partnership with marketing technology company, Playground xyz to enable group-wide measurement and real-time optimisation of digital media buying for clients based on how much attention an ad receives.

Improving ‘Attention Time’ – the length of time, in seconds, a user looks at an ad – can lead to an increase in awareness, recall, viewability and click-through rates*.

The partnership sees Publicis using Playground xyz’s Attention Intelligence Platform (AIP) inventory scoring capability, which means it is now able to index publisher websites on both mobiles and computers based on how long an ad is actually looked at. The ability to measure Attention Time allows Publicis to better manage supply and the performance of clients’ campaigns.

Jason Tonelli, Chief Product Officer at Publicis Groupe ANZ said what makes this approach unique is that while others are already using attention data in the planning process, the partnership also allows for individual campaigns to be measured and optimised programmatically.

“In addition to inventory scoring, the AIP suite comprises powerful campaign-based measurement and media optimisation, allowing advertisers to access the data to deliver the most attention-grabbing ads to the most attentive audiences in real-time.

“This allows the agency to use the one platform to ‘close the loop’ from planning to measurement and all the way to activation – an end-to-end integration that is the first of its kind globally, made possible by Playground xyz’s market-leading technology,” Tonelli said.

“We’re on a constant mission to make ad spend and creative ideas work harder and the emerging attention economy presents both challenges and opportunities. Our previous work with Playground xyz had made it clear how powerful attention metrics can be, so employing these across more and more of our media buying was an obvious step for us.”

Publicis clients agree. In a pilot campaign with luxury retail brand Oroton – a client of Publicis Groupe agency, Spark Foundry – it was found that as a result of implementing attention scoring and optimisation, there was a 25% lift in conversions and a 20% decrease in CPAs. Prue Thomas, General Manager – Marketing and Digital at Oroton said: “This presents a major opportunity for us to evolve our planning, measurement and optimisation, and ability to reduce wastage.”

Rob Hall, CEO of Playground xyz added: “Attention Time is an amazing metric as it’s so predictive of brand outcomes. The tailwinds are building behind this becoming a new currency for media and the next frontier is a real-time activation in the programmatic ecosystem. This innovative partnership with Publicis does just that.”

Playground xyz’s Attention Intelligence Platform uses eye-tracking data from an opt-in panel fused with AI to deliver attention measurement and optimisation and was named the winner of the IAB’s inaugural Measurement Award for Ad Effectiveness.

*PLAYGROUND XYZ and Kantar Research 2019 and PXYZ campaign data June 20. Format=HangTime.