GTM code:

Attention Time

Attention Time is the next-generation, quality-based metric that helps measure the true effectiveness of your brand advertising.

Powered by the Attention Intelligence Platform (AIP), Attention Time measurement and optimisation is already helping the world's biggest advertisers maximise returns on their ad spend. Read our whitepaper to understand how it can help you.

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An unrivalled signal of ad effectiveness

The trusted signal of the world's biggest advertisers

Until recently, measuring attention on ads was difficult to quantify. Viewability only tells advertisers of the opportunity to be seen, and Click-Through Rate only tells a tiny fraction of the story. Attention Time is the metric the world's largest advertisers are turning to to more capably judge the efficacy of their advertising activity.

Powered by the Attention Intelligence Platform

AIP is the world's first ad stack built to maximise Attention Time on ads. It uses an AI (trained and verified by real eye tracking panel data) to create a suite of groundbreaking products that unlock the power of attention measurement and real time media and creative optimisation.